Otto Adelman is a transgender public speaker and sci-fi and fantasy author, focusing on inclusion in fiction.

He is currently seeking representation.


My Background

I’m a public speaker and author who finished my first novel at age 14, and I haven’t stopped since. I focus primarily on sci-fi and fantasy, working on incorporating marginalized identities, including my own (Jewish and transgender), into genre fiction in a fun, intuitive, and natural way. I primarily speak on transgender issues and how our identities can become sources of joy instead of pain. I work in the nonprofit sector.


I am currently seeking fiction representation for New Boston, a science fiction art heist set in a Martian colony that caters to the wealthy and powerful, and for The Diamond Eternal, a queer, young adult science fiction following a princess, some pirates, and a stolen intergalactic cruise ship. If you like seeing unethical rich people and cruel homophobes getting what’s coming to them, these are the books for you.


“[Adelman] has structured the play well. Seemingly off-hand comments take on greater, darker resonance as the stories progress, and the comic moments are used sparingly…[Adelman’s] play rightly offers no answers, but rather the hint of an explanation, a brief glimpse into darker places so that those who live more of their lives in the light will begin to understand.”

I’d love to show you how fiction can be for everyone.